Anhui Huoshan Glass Technology Exchange Conference Documentary


The "2020 23rd National Glass Furnace Technology Seminar and Exchange Conference" jointly organized by China Daily Glass Association, China Silicate Society Glass Branch and China Glass Technology Service Network Information Exchange Center was successfully held in Huoshan Yingjia Villa, Anhui Province, from September 22 to 24, 2020.

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Welcome inquiries from Korean customers


November 2019 ushered in a Korean inquiry, the customer has 30 years of glass production experience, the current material quality has black spots and crystallization and other defects, the main purpose of this is to plan to expand the existing 20 tons of electric furnace to 40 tons, the production of perfume bottles.

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Huafu Engineering Qin Cheng Won the Title of Industry Meritorious Entrepreneur


The Council conscientiously implemented the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, deliberated the work report of the Council of the association and the next work plan, notified the amendment plan of the constitution of China Daily Glass Association, and carried out relevant commendation activities.

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The exchange meeting on new design and new technology promotion of glass furnace at home and abroad was successfully concluded.


The "New Design of Glass Furnaces at Home and Abroad, New Technology Promotion and Exchange Conference" co-sponsored by China Light Industry Information Center and Glass Magazine was held in Beijing from March 18 to 20, 2019. The theme of this conference is to promote advanced kilns with high melting rate, low emission and long furnace life.

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2019 National Glass Quality Control and Environmental Protection Technology Seminar Held Successfully


The "National Glass Quality Control and Environmental Protection Technology Seminar and Exchange Meeting" jointly organized by the Technical Advisory Committee of China Daily Glass Association and the Furnace Professional Committee of the Glass Branch of China Silicate Society was held in Fengyang International Hotel, Anhui from April 16 to 18, 2019.

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Industry Standard Seminar on "General Requirements for All-Electric Melting Glass Furnaces"


The "General Requirements for All-Electric Melting Glass Furnaces" Industry Standard Seminar was held on June 20, 2019 in Chengde City, Hebei Province. The first drafter of this standard was Chengde Huafu Glass Technology Engineering Co., Ltd.

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