Temperature alarm technology for pool wall tiling

Opal glass electric melting furnace, due to the addition of fluoride in the raw material composition, exacerbated the erosion of AZS bricks on the pool wall. In order to extend the service life of furnace, the outside of the pool wall needs to be tiled in the middle of furnace operation. If tiled too early, forming heat preservation effect on the pool wall, will affect the overall service life of the furnace. Being tiled too late will cause leakage of the pool wall, leading to accidents. Therefore, the timing of the pool wall tiling, directly affects the furnace's utility ratio.

We can determine the reasonable time to tile by the development of temperature monitoring which will be located on the outside of the pool wall and by the remote online monitoring of the pool wall temperature, to achieve safe use of the furnace for entire  period and maximize the service life of the furnace.

II. Core Content and Innovation Points of Project Development

1、On the outside of the AZS bricks of the pool wall, 12 temperature detection points are set up. Using the temperature patrol meter, the sampling points are monitored and displayed. The meter adopts the communication method to upload the temperature data to the DCS system of the furnace. When the temperature of the pool wall reaches the alarm setting value, the furnace will be reminded to carry out bricklaying treatment.

2、The temperature of the cover plate of the throat is on-time monitored by adding an infrared thermometer. And upload that temperature to DCS system. When the temperature of the cover plate reaches the alarm setting value, it reminds the throat to press the bricks.

3、The furnace DCS system is equipped with data remote communication, utilizing the company’s information big data platform, which can remotely display the real-time status.

4、According to the summary of previous furnace dismantling, the temperature sampling point is set for each weak point of the furnace erosion.

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