The difference between low borosilicate glass and high borosilicate glass

low borosilicate glass andhigh borosilicate glassIt is a different product, and their chemical composition is also very different, but these two types of glass belong to the borosilicate glass series, and both have good heat resistance after tempering. Due to its mechanical strength, it has been widely used in various chemical, electric, petroleum and other pressure vessels as a special observation mirror for pressure vessels.

  Low borosilicate glass is commonly used borosilicate glass. After tempering, it can usually be used at the working temperature.300°CUse on various high-temperature windows or pressure vessel sights. It is usually made by pressing and pouring techniques. The machinable large plate surface is relatively small, usually in500×500mmwithin. However, the thickness of this glass can be15To50mm between machining. Low borosilicate glass has a large coefficient of expansion and is generally4.0~5.5×10-6K-1However, compared with ordinary float glass, the expansion coefficient of this glass is still low. After tempering, all properties are attributed to ordinary tempered glass.

  high borosilicate glassmeans that the coefficient of expansion is3.3×10-6K-1of borosilicate glass. The glass may also be strengthened. After tempering, it can be used for working temperature450°CAll kinds of high temperature windows. It is one of the products with better heat resistance at present. High borosilicate glass is mainly manufactured by float method, which can be processed on a large surface, usually up750×1200. With the advancement of technology, the surface that can be processed will become larger and larger.

  low borosilicate glass andhigh borosilicate glassThe difference is the coefficient of thermal expansion. We usually take the coefficient of expansion3.3×10-6K-1The borosilicate glass is called high borosilicate glass. In addition, the chemical composition of these two glasses is also different, and the content of silicon dioxide and boron oxide is also different.


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